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Sam Mallikarjunan, Head of Hubspot eCommerce, shares killer conversion tactics

Head of Hubspot eCommerce, shares killer conversion tactics

By Technorati Media

For this round of Social Brands and Influencers, we chat with Sam Mallikarjunan, Head of eCommerce Marketing at HubSpot.

Sam is an internet marketing professional specializing in using inbound marketing strategies to generate leads, customers, and top line revenue. He currently works as the Head of eCommerce Marketing at HubSpot. Before coming to HubSpot, Sam worked as the CMO at lead generation and eCommerce firms where he focused on leveraging inbound marketing methods to improve marketing and sales efficiencies.

Some utilities you might find useful are this template on creating buyer personas, this post on what eCommerce marketers need to know about pre-transactional contacts, and this website on the value of a customer.

Sam is also author or the book “How to sell better than Amazon,” which you can learn more about here

Below you’ll find just a snippet of the rest of the questions we asked Sam: be sure to listen to the podcast to hear his answers.

      • So HireMeHubSpot.com, I guess that was your first epic inbound campaign. How did you come up with that?
      • You were previously “Manager of Experimental Marketing” at @HubSpot. Sounds awesome. What kind of cool experiments did you do?
      • Hubspot has been one of the leaders and evangelist for the last 5 year, what trends have you seen in the adoption of inbound marketing?
      • Since you’re head of ecommerce marketing, what are some trends you typically see in conversion funnels? Are there tactics or channels that work better than others?
      • Since you are always testing, what are you most excited to research and test next?In looking at the data, how have you seem the rise of mobile usage change buyer behavior?What are some of your favorite marketing hacks?
      • What are three tools or resources that you couldn’t live without?How is inbound for ecmmerce different that inbound for B2B?
      • What social media trends have you noticed?
      • What’s the perfect social media team structure within a corporation (Director, strategist, content strategist, channel strategist, writer/art direction, SM managers, ect)
      • What are the biggest mistakes marketers make with social/content marketing?
      • You’re a data guy. What is one of the most shocking or interesting thing you’ve found by looking at data.
      • What do you see as the most significant advances in social media technologies, applications and uses over the next 1-2 years?
      • You deal with ecommerce and optimization strategies, what are some of your solutions for managing marketing tags and speeding up your site.
      • Can you provide an example of an unsuccessful campaign and what you learned from it?
      • What channel or tactic do you see underleveraged in ecommerce marketing?
      • In your book “How to Sell Better Than Amazon” you teach people how they can compete against the online shopping Goliaths like Google, Amazon, Buy.com. What are the top takeways?
      • What are some Best Practices for eCommerce Abandoned Cart Nurturing.
      • Final Question: Halloween is coming up, what was your all-time favorite costume and scary movie?